Meditation Method
Step-by-step personalized & guided meditation
for finding true self & go to the land of Truth

Meditation in Queens Ny
To live forever, the world where a person lives becomes the world of Truth one can live forever.
When the incomplete, fake world where people live is eliminated, only the emptiness of the infinite universe comes to remain.
When that existence is within the self, this world is born again, and that land is the Land of Truth and the place where you live forever.
This meditation is to get you there and live.
How to Meditate?

Recall your life.
Realize where all your stress and burdens are coming from and increase your self-awareness.

Your perspective widens.
See and throw away from the perspective of the Universe using the guided visualization technique.

Find true me
You will begin to realize the Truth existing within you.
You can live in real happiness in the true world.
Meditation Steps
Step 1
Cleansing Karma
Step 2
Cleansing Habits
Step 3
Cleansing Body
Level 1- Remembered thoughts
Level 2- Image of relationships and myself
Level 3- Body
Level 4- Body and the universe
Level 5- Body and the universe
Level 6- Me who has all minds
Level 7- Me who has a mind world, negativity and all thoughts
We have habits we inherit from our ancestors and parents. It contains all the ways you live and your way of reacting to the world. According to these habits, each person creates different karma. If you throw it away, you return to your original energy source and can live in the world with a free mind.
You become completely one with the spirit and soul of the universe.
What is Mind & Why do we need to Meditate?
People live inside their own mind's worlds,
which is composed of their life lived, body, and habits.
People create their own false mind worlds by storing their memories as images and because of this they live trapped inside these self-made worlds.
The false mind world is molded by the lives of people
have lived and by the experience, they have had.
All people believe their own false mind worlds
to be in the real world because of the images they have taken of everything
they have seen, heard, and experienced perfectly overlap the real world.

Benefits of Meditation
1. Your face becomes bright.
2. Your face becomes the most beautiful according to your style.
3. Illnesses disappear.
4. All of the mind clutter disappears.
5. You can succeed.
Your efficiency can be boosted more than ten times.
6. Exhaustion disappears.
7. You are always comfortable and happy
8. You have confidence in whatever you do.
9. You will become free from illness and have longevity.
10. You achieve human completion.